Passively regulate temperature or protect against temperature extremes
What We Do
PCM products advice
Thermal mass advice
Supporting clients
PCM development
Phase Change Materials (PCMs)
This is an effect that can be put to use in numerous applications to:

Provide “smart” thermal mass in thermally lightweight buildings

Store heat or cold for later use in energy efficient heating or cooling systems
About Us
Phase Energy Limited is an independent phase change material consultancy based in the United Kingdom operating across Europe and beyond.
The Principal, Ian Biggin, is a chemist by profession with over 15 years’ experience in development, applications and technical marketing of PCMs and a proven track record, including:

The consultancy has substantial experience of the technology and market and extensive knowledge of users & suppliers, globally, in the value chain.
Phase Energy is a highly professional company, experienced in working with large and small companies and whose ability is in enabling organisations to develop, commercialise & market new products and develop new business in this expanding market.