A freely-provided one hour seminar consisting of a clear and engaging presentation and product showcase suitable for all construction professionals who would benefit from an impartial introduction to the passive use of PCM thermal mass in buildings and the variety of commercial construction products available to select from.
This seminar, provided on behalf of BASF, is also a particularly useful continuous professional development (CPD) module for specifiers, architects and mechanical engineers and is RIBA-accredited.
Introduction to “Soaking up the Heat”: Construction boards, plasters and ceiling materials containing PCM provide an effective and convenient means of installing thermal mass for energy efficiency and thermal comfort
in lightweight construction and refurbishment projects. Thermal mass with night ventilation works to help maintain a comfortable internal temperature passively and therefore energy efficiently as an alternative to mechanical cooling or in a cost-effective combination. The CPD provides a comprehensive introduction to PCMs in buildings, explaining the basic principles, where & how PCM products should be used, tools for determining the benefits, case studies and a showcase of a variety of products that are available on the market.
Download preview slides (PDF format).
This is a brand new desktop tool and tablet or smartphone App useful for quickly and easily determining the potential technical and economic benefits of using night ventilation and high thermal mass construction products incorporating Micronal® PCM.
To download the App to your tablet or smartphone please visit the Apple App store (iOS devices) or Google Play store (Android devices) and search for “Micronal PCM”.
A version for use on your desktop PC can be found here: http://www.micronal.de/portal/basf/ien/dt.jsp?setCursor=1_290798
If you require any assistance in using the tool or need further advice about the various products available for your project then do not hesitate to contact us.
We can also arrange to give a demonstration of the tool on your premises or provide a PowerPoint slide presentation and Word notes which explain its use.
Assistance with data entry is available; see the item on thermal modelling in Thermal Mass in Buildings